Author Experience (book)
Bridging the gap between people and technology in content management.

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Author Experience: Bridging the gap between people and technology in content managementOn 13 October 2014, XML Press published Author Experience: Bridging the gap between people and technology in content management, by Excolo founder and principal consultant Rick Yagodich, within the Content Wrangler series on Content Strategy.
The most intelligent, insightful book on content curation I have ever seen. A must-read for anyone building, implementing, or maintaining a content management system today.
In recent years, information architecture and user experience have become recognised fields with mature methodologies. Lacking from the content strategy world was attention to the foundation these disciplines are built on: authors.
Author Experience focuses on the value of managing the communication process effectively and efficiently. It deals with this process from the point of view of those who create and manage content.
This book defines author experience, outlines the challenges that stand in the way of a good author experience, and provides a set of design patterns that will help you define and implement an author experience that improves content quality and author efficiency.